Whenever I can, I cycle to work. After years and years of plodding along the M25 or the M60 for my daily commute, I feel very privileged to be able to power myself and breathe in the air, whilst experiencing a unique mini adventure on two wheels 2 or 3 times every week.
The benefits of cycling to work are numerous. There are the obvious ones but there’s also a multitude of very personal benefits waiting there for all of us if we stop and think about it a little bit differently.
Firstly, here’s the awesome stuff we all know about cycling already:
Health benefits:
Improved fitness: Regular cycling can significantly boost your cardiovascular health and overall fitness
Reduced risk of diseases: Cycling to work is linked with a lower risk of developing heart disease and cancer
Weight management: It’s an effective way to burn calories and manage weight
Mental well-being: Cycling can reduce stress and improve your mood, thanks to the physical activity and time spent outdoors
Environmental benefits:
Reduced emissions: Cycling cuts down on harmful emissions like CO2, helping to combat climate change, plus it significantly reduces noise pollution
Economic benefits:
Cost savings: Cycling is much cheaper than driving or using public transport, saving you money on fuel and maintenance
Boosts local economy: Cyclists are more likely to shop locally, benefiting local businesses
Workplace benefits:
Reduced absenteeism: Team members who cycle to work tend to take fewer sick days, which benefits both themselves and their employers
Increased job satisfaction: Team members who cycle to work tend to enjoy being there more and are therefore more productive
So, what about a few of those personal, more hidden benefits. These ones are personal to me:
Helps me be better at the things I really like: Here’s the deal – cycling is not my favourite activity, whereas running is! And, although I totally understand that an essential ingredient of being a more consistent, injury-free runner is cross-training (i.e. doing a complementary alternative activity), I simply don’t have time to do it as well as running. I love the fact that I can get some bonus cross-training in on my way to and from work
Allows me to explore and expand my daily horizons: I called it a mini adventure earlier and that's what I set out to do every morning by taking a different cycling route to work. I aim to always see something new, and this helps me to continually experience the everyday world differently, giving me new perspective and a daily creative micro-boost
A true level playing field activity for all the family: Cycling to work always reminds me of the pleasure I get cycling with my whole family, and I’ve noticed that the more I cycle to work the more likely I am to suggest a cycling adventure at the weekend. It's one of the few activities that we can all enjoy in the same way and truly share a collective active experience
Think like an Olympian: As I write this the Paris Olympics are in full flow. I love watching the cyclists gracefully pushing themselves to do their very best. So, when I’m rolling down a back street in my hometown, I like to imagine I’m careering down a mountain or blasting around a velodrome, and that makes every trip just a little bit more magic. For me it’s the perfect way to start and finish my working day!
It's these hidden benefits that keep me getting the bike out – rain and shine.
MY TOP TIP: Make it as easy as possible – if you can, make sure your bike is accessible as possible so there’s never an excuse to jump in the car. If you have to dig the bike out of the shed everyday it’s never going to happen!
So, do you cycle to work? If you do, what do you get out of it? If you don’t, could you?