Our journey so far
The Activation Project is formed and registered
UK Active & Sport England Partnership Development
Forming partnerships in S&PA and H&W
Leading for Renewal funding by Sport England
Collaboration Project initiated with England Golf and Sport England
Women in Coaching Movement
LeaderLine Senior Leadership Team Coaching service launched
LeaderLine 1:1 Coaching service launched
LeaderLine expertise-led Coaching panel created
Football Workforce Development Programme initiated
Sport England Relationship Development Programme
Sport-led place-based pilot and Workforce Development Strategy development with England Golf initiated
Sport Wales LeaderLine CEO Coaching pilot initiated

280+ Leaders, 12 leadership teams, and 1800+ hours of support
New propositions launched: Stay Connected
New website launched
Collaborations and social media activity
LeaderLine coaching 250+ leaders
LeaderLine teams working with 20+ leadership teams across the sector
Leading The Movement programme launched, supported by LeaderLine Coaching and Mentoring
Leading The Movement supported by LeaderLine continues to go from strength to strength
Watch this space!